Thursday, January 2, 2014


Things that happened in 2013....

- I got called as Relief Society teacher in our singles ward
- I started my internship with Alpha Home Health and Hospice
-Matt started his last semester as an undergrad
- First date on January 19th- a snowshoe double date with Lee

- Matt surprised me with great presents on Valentine's Day
- I went to Boise to visit my grandparents
- We fell into dating exclusively
- I presented a research project at the Utah Conference for Undergraduate Researchers

- I presented research again at the American Women in Psychology Conference
- We saw each other everyday
- Celebrated Matt's 25th birthday all weekend with our friends
- Matt got accepted for grad programs at Columbia and BYU

- Watched all of General Conference together, and attended the Saturday Afternoon session together in Salt Lake
- Matt officially decided to attend BYU over Columbia
- I finished my internship, and had my first 4.0 semester
-Matt finished all his classes and unofficially graduated
- We bought tickets to fly back East to visit each other's families
- I moved into the Labyrinth house

- Sat on the porch of my house and talked with friends almost every evening
- Matt and I talked more about marriage, and set a date of August 3rd in the Salt Lake City Temple
- Flew back East to meet each other's family
- Officially got engaged on May 23rd

- Switched wedding date to July 20th in Manti Temple
-Had our friend take engagement pictures
- Went to garage sales, apartment hunted, and planned a wedding

- Spent 4th of July with friends, and enjoyed our singles ward
- Family came into town for the wedding
- I received my endowment at the Mount Timpanogos Temple on July 17th
- My car got T-boned while I was driving to the temple on July 18th and was totaled
- Were sealed in the Manti Temple on July 20th
- Went on our amazing honeymoon to Seattle

- Settled into our great apartment and new ward
- Matt spoke in church about temples and our marriage in Manti
-Got my record player fixed and started listening to records constantly
-Ben left on his mission to Houston, Texas
- Bought my car back at salvage value and had it fixed with junkyard parts
- I started my internship at the State Prison
-Went on a roadtrip to Southern Utah with 10 friends from our old singles ward
- Had a housewarming party for all of our friends
- I started watching Korean Dramas
-We started eating less animal products

-Hiked Stewart Falls on Labor day with friends from the singles ward
-Matt got called as Teacher's quorum advisor
-Matt's best friend Clark and his wife Lizzie came into town for a visit
- Matt started his first semester of his Phd program
- I started classes again for my last year at BYU
- Went camping with Christine and Jacob on Antelope Island

- Celebrated my birthday, with many surprises and lots of presents
- Watched General Conference in our new apartment
- Had several new friends over for dinner from our ward and Matt's program
- Went over to our Iranian friend's house for a traditional dinner
- Had a night of Fall festivities with friends from our old singles ward
- My wallet got stolen out of the car

-Dropped my iphone into the toilet- this time it was officially dead (in October it slide off the dryer and got a cracked screen)
- I started scrambling to get all of my volunteer hours in for a class
- I got called as CTR 5 teacher for Primary
-Had more new friends from the ward over for Korean barbecue dinner
- Some good friends of ours had their 3 month old baby pass away, and we attended her funeral
- Visited my grandparents in Boise for Thanksgiving
- Got our first Christmas tree together

- I finished all of my volunteer hours and papers, and had a 3.7 semester
- Went to Professor Bundy's Research Lab Christmas party
- Matt finished his first semester of the program!
-We sang in our ward choir's Christmas Program
-Matt got called as Young Men's President
-Went to our friends Tyler and Rachel's Christmas party
-Went to the Nutcracker Ballet with Christine and Jacob, and Matt and I cooked a 3 course meal
- Enjoyed a relaxing Christmas Eve and Day with Christine and Jacob
- Matt's parents visited for a few days, and cooked us so much Korean food and just spoiled us
- I decided officially to not apply to the MSW program now, and to quit my internship/job- things I had been debating about for months
-I applied and got an interview set up for a job I am really excited about
- Spent New Year's Eve with Christine and Jacob, and lit and flew wish lanterns

We have a great year with so many blessings, and growth experiences as well. I am so grateful to have had almost all of 2013 with Matt by my side, and to start 2014 with him!

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