Monday, January 20, 2014


This week, Matt and I have two great dates planned. We usually don't spend much money for our date nights- we'll cook together, or eat out with a coupon, and do a free activity like go on a run or watch something online together. So when there is something more expensive that we want to do, we don't feel bad spending the money on it. And it just so happened that two events we wanted to do, were in the same week- which is this week.

Back in November, we bought tickets to see the opera, La Traviata, this upcoming Friday night in Salt Lake City. We are really excited to see a live opera. We often listen to Pavarotti on our record player while cooking, and one of the songs we have by him is featured in this opera. La Traviata is what Moulin Rogue was loosely based on, if you want an idea of what the plot is about.

We also decided to finally go see a film at the Sundance Film Festival! We have both lived here in Utah for several years, and neither of us has gone. We got tickets to see Listen Up, Philip on Tuesday night. We are seeing it up at Sundance Resort, and not at the main venue at Park City, since it is closer to us and it is a school night.  Here is a teaser for it:

I am especially excited that these fun dates fall this week, because this past weekend marked the anniversary of our first date, and today also marks our 6 month wedding anniversary- we have been married for half a year already! (Can you tell that I love to keep track of time, and count things?) Matt had a dozen red roses on our kitchen table when I came home from work as a surprise :) I just love him.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Things that happened in 2013....

- I got called as Relief Society teacher in our singles ward
- I started my internship with Alpha Home Health and Hospice
-Matt started his last semester as an undergrad
- First date on January 19th- a snowshoe double date with Lee

- Matt surprised me with great presents on Valentine's Day
- I went to Boise to visit my grandparents
- We fell into dating exclusively
- I presented a research project at the Utah Conference for Undergraduate Researchers

- I presented research again at the American Women in Psychology Conference
- We saw each other everyday
- Celebrated Matt's 25th birthday all weekend with our friends
- Matt got accepted for grad programs at Columbia and BYU

- Watched all of General Conference together, and attended the Saturday Afternoon session together in Salt Lake
- Matt officially decided to attend BYU over Columbia
- I finished my internship, and had my first 4.0 semester
-Matt finished all his classes and unofficially graduated
- We bought tickets to fly back East to visit each other's families
- I moved into the Labyrinth house

- Sat on the porch of my house and talked with friends almost every evening
- Matt and I talked more about marriage, and set a date of August 3rd in the Salt Lake City Temple
- Flew back East to meet each other's family
- Officially got engaged on May 23rd

- Switched wedding date to July 20th in Manti Temple
-Had our friend take engagement pictures
- Went to garage sales, apartment hunted, and planned a wedding

- Spent 4th of July with friends, and enjoyed our singles ward
- Family came into town for the wedding
- I received my endowment at the Mount Timpanogos Temple on July 17th
- My car got T-boned while I was driving to the temple on July 18th and was totaled
- Were sealed in the Manti Temple on July 20th
- Went on our amazing honeymoon to Seattle

- Settled into our great apartment and new ward
- Matt spoke in church about temples and our marriage in Manti
-Got my record player fixed and started listening to records constantly
-Ben left on his mission to Houston, Texas
- Bought my car back at salvage value and had it fixed with junkyard parts
- I started my internship at the State Prison
-Went on a roadtrip to Southern Utah with 10 friends from our old singles ward
- Had a housewarming party for all of our friends
- I started watching Korean Dramas
-We started eating less animal products

-Hiked Stewart Falls on Labor day with friends from the singles ward
-Matt got called as Teacher's quorum advisor
-Matt's best friend Clark and his wife Lizzie came into town for a visit
- Matt started his first semester of his Phd program
- I started classes again for my last year at BYU
- Went camping with Christine and Jacob on Antelope Island

- Celebrated my birthday, with many surprises and lots of presents
- Watched General Conference in our new apartment
- Had several new friends over for dinner from our ward and Matt's program
- Went over to our Iranian friend's house for a traditional dinner
- Had a night of Fall festivities with friends from our old singles ward
- My wallet got stolen out of the car

-Dropped my iphone into the toilet- this time it was officially dead (in October it slide off the dryer and got a cracked screen)
- I started scrambling to get all of my volunteer hours in for a class
- I got called as CTR 5 teacher for Primary
-Had more new friends from the ward over for Korean barbecue dinner
- Some good friends of ours had their 3 month old baby pass away, and we attended her funeral
- Visited my grandparents in Boise for Thanksgiving
- Got our first Christmas tree together

- I finished all of my volunteer hours and papers, and had a 3.7 semester
- Went to Professor Bundy's Research Lab Christmas party
- Matt finished his first semester of the program!
-We sang in our ward choir's Christmas Program
-Matt got called as Young Men's President
-Went to our friends Tyler and Rachel's Christmas party
-Went to the Nutcracker Ballet with Christine and Jacob, and Matt and I cooked a 3 course meal
- Enjoyed a relaxing Christmas Eve and Day with Christine and Jacob
- Matt's parents visited for a few days, and cooked us so much Korean food and just spoiled us
- I decided officially to not apply to the MSW program now, and to quit my internship/job- things I had been debating about for months
-I applied and got an interview set up for a job I am really excited about
- Spent New Year's Eve with Christine and Jacob, and lit and flew wish lanterns

We have a great year with so many blessings, and growth experiences as well. I am so grateful to have had almost all of 2013 with Matt by my side, and to start 2014 with him!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


On the morning of New Year's day, we were walking out of a diner with Christine and Jacob. We think it was Christine who brought up the idea of doing different monthly challenges, like no eating out,  instead of year-long resolutions. We all were quickly excited and scrambled home to all write out ideas of things we'd each like to change and improve on, month by month. After an hour of discussion, we have come up with our list and are very excited to start these challenges together, both as couples and as an extended family.

 Have meaningful Family Home Evening each week. (Read more about it here.) Complete with song, prayer, lesson, activity, and treat. On the last week of the month, we will all have an FHE together.

Read a novel of our choice together as a couple. Matt and I are going to finally finish The Brothers Karamazov by Lev Tolstoy that we started when we were engaged.

 Daily scripture study, and share and write insights with each other throughout the month. Laura is planning on trying to finish the whole Book of Mormon in one month, which is about 17 pages a day, and Matt is planning on studying by topics.

 No blog reading or internet games. (Blog writing is fine though) Laura is also going to limit Facebook during this month, perhaps to 10 minutes a day. This we hope will cut down on internet time that is wasted, and gain some control over how we spend down time.

 Cardio exercise for 30 minutes, 5 times a week. We want to improve our exercise habits and health overall.

 Go on a walk as a couple, every day. This sounds like a lot, but I can think of no better way to wind down on a summer evening than walking along the river with Matt. It will help us enjoy our time together and the great weather.

Write in a journal, or take a photo, everyday. We want to document some of the fun things in our lives this summer through pictures and words, so we have them in the future to look back on.

 Attend the temple as a couple weekly, and last week all go to do temple sealings. (Read more about it here.) We want to be better at making temple attendance a habit, and also to enjoy those blessings and feelings of peace together.

No dining out, instead try a new recipe and cook as a couple once each week. We want to learn to eat cheaper, healthier, and to make great foods at home together.

 No eating meat. We might change this one, come October, because we like monthly challenges that focus on doing instead of avoiding, but this is on the list for now. :)

 Spend time developing a talent or skill each day. Matt will probably spend a little time working on art and painting, and I am going to spend time studying Korean or getting better with my sewing machine.

 Do something nice for the other each day, record, and share at the end of the month. We want to focus on giving service to the person who matters most to us, and to remember those things and share them with the other people that are important in our lives.